Ski resort Kolasin. A new complex in a modern Alpine style.
Putting into operation - 01.12.2023.
The Buyer is exempt from paying the state real estate turnover tax in the amount of 3% of the value of the Purchased Property.
A total of 48 apartments ranging from 29 sq.m. up to 78 sq.m.
Format of apartments: studio apartments; one bedroom apartments; apartments with two bedrooms
The cost of one square meter:
- studio apartment 2350 euros
- one bedroom apartment 2250 euros
- apartment with two bedrooms 2150 euros
Payment order:
- 30% of the value of the Object, paid upon signing the Sale and Purchase Agreement;
- 70% of the cost of the Object, paid according to the payment schedules, which the Investor is ready to discuss individually - with each Client;
Skijalište Kolašin. Novi kompleks u modernom alpskom stilu.
Puštanje u rad - 01.12.2023.
Kupac je oslobođen plaćanja državnog poreza na promet nepokretnosti u iznosu od 3% od vrednosti kupljene nekretnine.
Ukupno 48 stanova površine od 29 m2. do 78 kv.m.
Format stanova: studio apartmani; jednosobni stanovi; stanovi sa dve spavaće sobe
Cena jednog kvadratnog metra:
- garsonjera 2350 evra
- jednosoban stan 2250 evra
- dvosoban stan 2150 evra
Nalog za plaćanje:
- 30% vrednosti Objekata, uplaćeno po potpisivanju kupoprodajnog ugovora;
- 70% cene Objekata, plaćenog prema planovima plaćanja, o čemu je Investitor spreman da razgovara pojedinačno - sa svakim Klijentom;