Moderni in funkcionalni pisarniški prostori v sodobni poslovni stavbi z dvigalom, 1.484 m2, l. 2003. Najem 2 celotnih nadstropij. TERASA! Parkirna mesta v garaži stavbe.
Na frekventni in zelo dostopni lokaciji za Bežigradom, ob Dunajski cesti, v urejeni poslovni stavbi z dvigalom, zgrajeni leta 2003 dolgoročno oddamo opremljene ter izredno svetle pisarniške prostore.
Velikost in razporeditev
Poslovni prostori se nahajajo v petem nadstropju poslovne stavbe, in trenutno obsegajo:
- Več pisarn različnih velikosti
- Sejna soba
- Tehnični prostor (4,3 m2)
- Hodniki
Pisarne imajo v vsakem nadstropju ločene ženske in moške sanitarije ter čajno kuhinjo.
Pisarne enega nadstropja imajo čudovito terasi (doplačilo)
Stavba ima dvigalo in recepcijo.
Možen najem parkirnih mest v garaži stavbe. Cena parkirišč ni vključena v ceno najema.
- internet - optika
- ogrevanje - centralno
- klima
Pogoji in ostalo:
- Mesečna najemnina znaša 15 EUR/m2/mesec + DDV
- obratovalni stroški niso vključeni v najemnino
- Strošek parkirišč ni vključen v ceno najema
- kot pogoj za sklenitev najemne pogodbe mora najemnik plačati naslednje stroške: priprava najemne pogodbe, izdelava primopredajnega zapisnika ob prevzemu nepremičnine, izvedba primopredaje ob prevzemu, obveščanje upravnika in dobaviteljev o sklenjenem najemnem razmerju, svetovanje v času celotnega obdobja najema, hranjenje slikovnega materiala v arhivu posrednika v skupnem znesku: do 22.260 EUR + DDV
Modern and functional office space in a modern office building with an elevator, 1,484 m2, l. 2003. Lease of 2 entire floors. THE TERRACE! Parking spaces in the building's garage.
In a frequented and very accessible location outside Bežigrad, along Dunajska cesta, in a neat office building with an elevator, built in 2003, we offer furnished and extremely bright office space for long-term rent.
Size and layout
The business premises are located on the fifth floor of the office building, and currently include:
- Several offices of various sizes
- Meeting room
- Technical space (4.3 m2)
- Corridors
The offices have separate women's and men's toilets and a kitchenette on each floor.
Offices on one floor have a wonderful terrace (extra charge)
The building has an elevator and a reception.
It is possible to rent parking spaces in the building's garage. The price of parking is not included in the rental price.
- internet - optics
- heating - central
- air conditioning
Conditions and other:
- The monthly rent is 15 EUR/m2/month + VAT
- operating costs are not included in the rent
- The cost of parking is not included in the rental price
- as a condition for entering into a lease agreement, the tenant must pay the following costs: preparation of the lease agreement, preparation of the handover report upon taking over the property, execution of the handover upon takeover, informing the manager and suppliers about the concluded lease relationship, consulting during the entire lease period, storage of image material in the broker's archive in the total amount: up to EUR 22,260 + VAT
In the vicinity
- Osnovna šola Milana Šuštaršiča
- Srednja Vzgojiteljska Šola In Gimnazija
- Srednja Gradbena, Geodetska In Okoljevarstvena Šola
- Osnovna šola Franceta Bevka
- Lutkovno Gledališče Fru-fru
- Lekarna Bežigrad
- Lekarna WTC
- ZD Ljubljana - ŠIŠKA, Ambulanta LEK