Mojstrana, večja stanovanjska stavba z gospodarskim poslopjem ter 3.178 m2 zemljišča, neposredno ob smučišču.
Mojstrana je naselje, ki je že od nekdaj povezano s planinstvom, saj leži na vstopu v Triglavski narodni park, oziroma na razpotju treh alpskih dolin, Krme, Kota in Vrat, po katerih vstopamo v osrčje Julijskih Alp.
Naselje je le 4 km oddaljeno od avtocestnega priključka ter Jesenic, mesta z vsemi vsebinami, ki jih pogojuje današnji način bivanja, kot so osnovne in srednje šole, banke, pošta, trgovine in trgovski centri, tako je Mojstrana poleg turistično zanimivega kraja, primerna tudi za stalno bivanje, za razliko od precej bolj oddaljenih naselij Gozd Martuljek ali Kranjska Gora..
Posestvo ki združuje stanovanjsko hišo, gospodarsko poslopje, stavbno in kmetijsko zemljišče ter gozd, leži neposredno ob drsališču ter smučišču v Mojstrani.
1. Stanovanjska hiša obsega:
a) v kletni etaži shrambo v izmeri 21 m2,
b) v pritličju: vežo, veliko kmečko dnevno sobo ( hišo) s kmečko pečjo, kamro, kuhinjo, pralnico shrambo in wc, skupaj 80 m2 površine,
c) v prvi medetaži: predsobo, kopalnico in sobo , skupaj 28,8 m2,
d) v prvem nadstropju: vežo, kmečko dnevno sobo ( hišo), kamro, črno kuhinjo, in dve sobi, skupaj 84,30 m2
e) v mansardi (ki je združena z drugo medetažo): vežo, večjo kopalnico, pet (5) sob in kuhinjo ter balkon v skupni izmeri 142,20 m2 – ta etaža ima izdelan tudi lastni zunanji vhod iz brežine za hišo,
Ob hiši je prizidek garaža v izmeri 24,20 m2.
2) Gospodarsko poslopje obsega:
a) v pritlični etaži: hlevi ter ostali prostori za živino, okrog 140 m2 površine
b) v nadstropju: skedenj z okrog 140 m2 površine
3) Zemljišče meri skupaj 3.178 m2, od tega je stavbnega zemljišča, na katerem stojita hiša in gospodarsko poslopje okrog 1.200 m2, ostali del zemljišča, ki sega vse do drsališča in smučišča pa je delno kmetijsko in delno gozdno zemljišče ( označeno na priloženi skici).
Posestvo je zaradi lege ob smučišču in drsališču izredno zanimiva priložnost za preureditev obeh stavb v turistični objekt, večje pripadajoče zemljišče pa omogoča vzpostavitev dodatnih vsebin.
Prodajalec pogojuje prodajo s tem, da mu kupec povrne del stroškov, ki nastanejo pri prodaji nepremičnine.
Prosimo stranke, ki jih nepremičnina zanima, da za vse informacije pokličejo našo družbo Makler Bled d.o.o., obenem pa se bomo lahko dogovorili za ogled nepremičnine. Prosimo stranke, naj ne ogledujejo nepremičnine sami, ter brez predhodne najave.
Mojstrana, larger residential building with outbuilding and 3,178 m2 of land, directly next to the ski resort.
Mojstrana is a village that has always been associated with mountaineering, as it lies at the entrance to the Triglav National Park, or at the crossroads of the three alpine valleys, Krma, Kota and Vrat, which lead into the heart of the Julian Alps.
The settlement is only 4 km away from the motorway connection and Jesenice, a town with all the amenities required for today's way of life, such as primary and secondary schools, banks, post office, shops and shopping centres, so Mojstrana is not only a tourist attraction, but also a place suitable for permanent residence, unlike the much more distant settlements of Gozd Martuljek or Kranjska Gora..
The property, which combines a residential house, outbuildings, building land, agricultural land and forest, is located directly next to the ice rink and ski resort in Mojstrana.
1. The dwelling house comprises:
a) a storage room of 21 m2 in the basement,
b) on the ground floor: entrance hall, large rustic living room (house) with rustic stove, chamber, kitchen, laundry room, storage room and toilet, total area of 80 m2,
c) on the first mezzanine floor: entrance hall, bathroom and room, 28,8 m2 in total,
d) on the first floor: entrance hall, rustic living room (house), chamber, black kitchen, and two rooms, total 84,30 m2
e) in the attic (which is combined with the second mezzanine floor): a vestibule, a larger bathroom, five (5) rooms and a kitchen, and a balcony with a total area of 142.20 m2 - this floor also has its own external entrance from the bank behind the house,
Next to the house is a garage extension of 24.20 m2.
2) The outbuilding comprises:
a) on the ground floor: stables and other livestock rooms, approximately 140 m2
b) on the first floor: a barn with an area of approximately 140 m2
3) The land has a total area of 3 178 m2, of which the building land on which the house and outbuildings stand is approximately 1 200 m2, and the remainder of the land, which extends as far as the skating rink and ski slope, is partly agricultural and partly forest land (marked on the attached sketch).
The property's location next to the ski slope and the ice rink makes it an extremely interesting opportunity to convert both buildings into a tourist facility, and the larger adjacent land allows for the creation of additional facilities.
The vendor makes the sale conditional on the purchaser reimbursing the vendor for part of the costs incurred in selling the property.
Interested parties are kindly requested to call our company Makler Bled d.o.o. for full information and we will be able to arrange a viewing of the property. We kindly ask our clients not to view the property on their own and without prior appointment.
Attrezzature di proprietà
- Riscaldamento centrale
- Carburante
- Riscaldamento a legna
- Cavo TV
- Cavo internet
- Giardino
- Balcone
- Ripostiglio in cantina
- Garage
- Più posti auto
- Iscritto nel libro fondiario