Lesce, obnovljena stanovanjska hiša v dvojčku, v centru naselja.
Stavba stoji ob glavni cesti Lesce - Radovljica, le 150 m je oddaljena od avtobusne in železniške postaje ter tako lokacijsko poleg stanovanjske rabe, zanimiva tudi za namen turističnega oddajanja.
Zgrajena je bila leta 1850, leta 2005 pa je bila popolnoma obnovljena. Stoji v nizu treh stanovanjskih hiš, ki predstavljajo stanovanjski trojček.
1) v nizkem pritličju: predsobo, večji prostor (prej delavnica), prostor 2 (drugi del delavnice), hodnik, predsobo, kuhinjsko nišo in sanitarni del ter dve garaži, skupna izmera pritličja je 137 m2; ti prostori so idealni za opravljanje morebitne poslovne dejavnosti,
2) v nadstropju sta:
stanovanjska enota 1 (apartma + balkon, v skupni izmeri 28,20 m2), povezovalni hodnik ter stopnišče, ter
stanovanjska enota 2 ( večje enosobno stanovanje - bivalni prostor, soba, kopalnica, ter balkon, skupaj z balkonom 61,7 m2), skupna izmera nadstropja je okrog 100 m2,
Do nadstropja je dohod omogočen tudi z vgrajenim invalidskim dvigalom - stopniščnim dvižnim stolom za prevoz oseb, ki sedijo na stolu (fotografija priložena).
3) mansarda ni izdelana, višina ter razporeditev teh prostorov pa omogoča izdelavo razgibanega odprtega podstrešnega stanovanja, izdelan je tudi že balkon, skupna izmera znaša okrog 85 m2.
Iz balkona v mansardi je zelo lep pogled na Blejski grad ter skupino Alp z Triglavom, kot tudi na Karavanke s Stolom v ospredju.
Stopnišče poteka popolnoma izven bivalnih prostorov, tako kot npr. v stanovanjskem bloku, kar je idealna rešitev za morebitno preureditev stavbe v večstanovanjsko ali poslovno stanovanjsko stavbo.
Zemljišče meri 334 m2, poleg stavbišča pa zajema tudi prostorno dvorišče, urejeno za parkiranje več osebnih vozil in ostalo funkcionalno rabo.
Stavba je evidentirana v katastru nepremičnin ter obsega štiri posamezne dele stavbe - poslovni prostor v pritličju, dve stanovanjski enoti v nadstropju ter četrto enoto - neizdelano podstrešje v mansardi.
Parcelne meje so urejene, urejena so tudi vsa razmerja z lastniki sosednjih stavb.
Zanimiva stavba z možnostjo izvedbe štirih ali petih enot.
Prodajalec pogojuje prodajo s tem, da mu kupec povrne del stroškov, ki nastanejo pri prodaji nepremičnine.
Prosimo stranke, ki jih nepremičnina zanima, da za vse informacije pokličejo našo družbo Makler Bled d.o.o,, obenem pa se bomo lahko dogovorili za ogled nepremičnine. Prosimo stranke, naj ne ogledujejo nepremičnine sami, ter brez predhodne najave.
Lesce, renovated semi-detached house in the centre of the village of.
The building is located on the main road Lesce - Radovljica, only 150 m away from the bus and train station and thus, in addition to residential use, also interesting for the purpose of tourist rentals.
It was built in 1850 and completely renovated in 2005. It stands in a row of three houses, which form a residential triplex.
It comprises:
1) on the low ground floor: entrance hall, large room (formerly workshop), room 2 (second part of the workshop), corridor, hallway, kitchenette and sanitary area and two garages, the total area of the ground floor is 137 m2; these rooms are ideal for potential business activity,
2) on the first floor:
residential unit 1 (apartment + balcony, total area 28,20 m2), connecting corridor and staircase, and
residential unit 2 ( a larger one-bedroom apartment - lounge, room, bathroom, and balcony, including balcony 61,7 m2), the total area of the floor is about 100 m2,
Access to the floor is also possible with a built-in wheelchair lift - stair lift chair for transporting people sitting on the chair (photo attached).
3) The attic is not constructed, but the height and layout of these rooms allows for the construction of a large open attic apartment, a balcony has already been constructed, the total area is about 85 m2.
From the balcony in the attic there is a very nice view of the Bled Castle and the group of the Alps with Triglav, as well as the Karavanke Mountains with the Tower in the foreground.
The staircase runs completely outside the living areas, as in an apartment block, which is an ideal solution for the possible conversion of the building into a multi-apartment or commercial residential building.
The plot measures 337 m2 and, in addition to the building site, also comprises a spacious courtyard arranged for parking several cars and other functional uses.
The building is registered in the Land Registry and comprises four individual parts of the building - a commercial space on the ground floor, two residential units on the first floor and a fourth unit - an undeveloped attic space in the attic.
The plot boundaries are regulated and all relations with the owners of the neighbouring buildings are also regulated.
An interesting building with the possibility of four or five units.
The vendor makes the sale conditional upon the purchaser reimbursing him for part of the costs incurred in the sale of the property.
Interested parties are kindly requested to call our company Makler Bled d.o.o. for any information, and we will be able to arrange a viewing of the property. We kindly ask our clients not to view the property on their own and without prior appointment.
Attrezzature di proprietà
- Riscaldamento centrale
- Gas
- Cavo TV
- Cavo internet
- Balcone
- Ripostiglio in cantina
- Garage
- Più posti auto
- Iscritto nel libro fondiario
In the vicinity
- Gorenjske lekarne, Lekarna Lesce 407 m
- Gorenjske lekarne, Lekarna Radovljica 2,0 km
- Osnovna Šola Antona Tomaža Linharta Radovljica 2,1 km
- Srednja Gostinska In Turistična Šola Radovljica 2,2 km
- Waldorfska šola Ljubljana (zasebni vrtec), OE GORENJSKA, vrtec RADOVLJICA 2,3 km
- Vpd d.o.o. 2,4 km
- Čebelarski Muzej 2,6 km
- Lekarna Bled 2,9 km
- Prešernova Rojstna Hiša 3,1 km
- Muzej Talcev 3,4 km