V poslovni coni v Mariboru prodamo urejen pritlični proizvodni objekt z upravnim aneksom, etažnosti P+2. Proizvodna hala je velikosti 800 m2 bruto površine, dimenzij 15 m x 52 m + 12 m x 2 m, poslovni objekt pa 345 m2 bruto površine.
Proizvodni objekt:
Višina hale je 10m. Na 7 m višine je proga za mostno dvigalo nosilnosti 15 ton.
Proizvodna hala je ogrevana na plin in prezračevana in razpolaga z dvema industrijskima vhodoma. Električni priključek zagotavlja moč do 500 kW brez predelave.
Ob hali je urejenih še 300 m2 pokritih površin.
Nosilna konstrukcija je jeklena skeletna konstrukcija
Upravni aneks:
Poslovni del objekta obsega pritličje in dve nadstropji (P + 2). V pritličju so trenutno urejeni trije prostori in vetrolov, hodnik, shramba ter sanitarije. V prvem nadstropju je sedem ločenih prostorov ter sanitarije, v zadnji etaži pa se nahajajo tri pisarne in loža.
Poslovni objekt je klasične opečno–betonske gradnje.
Dvoriščni del objekta je v celoti asfaltiran ter ograjen z masivno ograjo in dvojnimi vrati.
Za bolj podrobne informacije nas kontaktirajte.
Pogoji in ostalo
Vpisano v ZK.
Pogoj prodaje je, da ob sklenitvi prodajne pogodbe povrne 2% od končne prodajne vrednosti + DDV.
V ceno ni vključen 22% DDV.
In the business zone in Maribor, we are selling a neat ground-floor production facility with an administrative annex, floors P+2. The production hall has a gross area of 800 m2, dimensions 15 mx 52 m + 12 mx 2 m, and the business building has a gross area of 345 m2.
Production facility:
The height of the hall is 10 m. At a height of 7 m, there is a track for a 15-ton overhead crane.
The production hall is gas-heated and ventilated and has two industrial entrances. The electrical connection provides a power of up to 500 kW without conversion.
There are 300 m2 of covered areas next to the hall.
The supporting structure is a steel skeleton structure
Administrative annex:
The business part of the building comprises the ground floor and two floors (P + 2). The ground floor currently has three rooms and a wind tunnel, a corridor, a storage room and toilets. There are seven separate rooms and toilets on the first floor, and three offices and a loggia are located on the last floor.
The commercial building is of classic brick-concrete construction.
The yard part of the building is completely asphalted and fenced with a massive fence and double doors.
Please contact us for more detailed information.
Terms and conditions and more
Registered in the land registry
The condition of the sale is that, at the conclusion of the sales contract, he will refund 2% of the final sales value + VAT.
The price does not include 22% VAT.