Nepremičnina predstavlja 11 posameznih delov poslovne stavbe, na naslovu Vipavska cesta 4J, Ajdovščina. Poslovni prostori se nahajajo v okroglem delu stavbe, v pritličju, 1. in 2. nadstropju. Prostori so prvenstveno namenjeni pisarniški dejavnosti. Skupna neto tlorisna površina - NTP je 493,90 m2, od tega je 8 poslovnih prostorov skupne NTP 363,60 m2 in 3 prostorov skupne NTP 130,30 m2, ki predstavljajo skupne površine objekta. Poslovni prostori so naprodaj le kot celota - ni moč kupiti le enega dela stavbe.
V naravi je objekt (celotna stavba 2392-1275) v obliki črke L, ločen na dvonadstropni stanovanjski del - samski dom (ni v lasti SDH) in ločen tronadstropni poslovni del, kjer se nahajajo predmetni prostori. Nepremičnine v pritličju so trenutno zasedene z dvema uporabnikoma. Poslovni del je skoraj v celoti last SDH, razen dela stavbe 2392-1275-57, ki se tudi nahaja v poslovnem delu a ni v lasti SDH. V pritličju se nahaja še plesna dvorana (del stavbe 2392-36), tudi ta je v lasti SDH - na prodaj posebej, kot samostojna enota - ločen oglas.
Vsak poslovni prostor ima lastne sanitarije. V GURS je stavba evidentirana pod št. 1275 in leži na parceli št. 1296/21 k.o. 2392 Ajdovščina. Gradbeno dovoljenje za prvotno zgradbo je bilo pridobljeno leta 1999, uporabno dovoljenje pa leta 2006. V objektu je vzpostavljena etažna lastnina. Prostori so v dobrem stanju in vzdrževani, primerni letnici izgradnje. Parkiranje je skladno s pogodbo o medsebojnih razmerjih omogočeno pred objektom. Dostop je urejen, preko parcel št. 1737/3, 1296/34 in 1296/32, vse k.o. 2392 Ajdovščina, v Občine Ajdovščina. Nepremičnina je trenutno na prodaj zgolj skupaj, kot zaokrožena celota.
Cena: 382.000 EUR brez pripadajočega davka (2 % DPN ali 22 % DDV), ki ga plača kupec.
Nepremičnina je last Slovenskega državnega holdinga, d. d. in je v upravljanju D. S. U., d. o. o.
Stranke obveščamo, da si DSU pridržuje pravico, da v postopku prodaje ne izbere nobenega ponudnika oz. z nobenim ponudnikom ni dolžan skleniti prodajne pogodbe za pogodbeni predmet ali stopiti v kakršnokoli drugo pravno razmerje, četudi je ponudba enaka višini informativne (prodajne) cene ali višja. Prav tako ima DSU možnost za prodajo pogodbenega predmeta razpisati javno dražbo, e-dražbo, objaviti razpis za zbiranje zavezujočih ponudb ali s ponudniki, ki oddajo enako ponudbo, izvesti dodatna pogajanja.
Več informacij je na voljo na povezavi
Prodajalec bo končno ponujeno neto ceno nepremičnin, ki so obdavčene z DPN, sam pa jih je pridobil v sistemu DDV, povišal za popravek odbitka vstopnega DDV, ki bo nastal ob realizaciji prodaje izven sistema DDV tistim kupcem, ki nimajo pravice do odbitka celotnega vstopnega DDV, v skladu s 45. členom ZDDV-1.
The property represents 11 individual parts of a commercial building, at the address Vipavska cesta 4J, Ajdovščina. The commercial premises are in the round part of the building, on the ground floor, 1st and 2nd floors. The premises are primarily intended for office activities. The total net floor area - NFA is 493.90 m2, of which 8 commercial premises are 363.60 m2 in total NFA and 3 premises are 130.30 m2 in total NFA, which represents common areas of the building. The commercial premises are for sale only as a whole - it is not possible to buy only one part of the building.
In nature, the building (entire building 2392-1275) is in the shape of a black L, separated into a two-story residential part - a single-family home (not owned by the Housing Development Agency) and a separate three-story commercial part, where the subject premises are located. The properties on the ground floor are currently occupied by two users. The business part is almost entirely owned by the SSH, except for part of building 2392-1275-57, which is also located in the business part but is not owned by the SSH. On the ground floor there is also a dance hall (part of building 2392-36), which is also owned by the SSH - for sale separately, as an independent unit - separate advertisement.
Each business premises has its own toilets. The building is registered in the GURS under no. 1275 and is located on plot no. 1296/21 k. o. 2392 Ajdovščina. The building permit for the original building was obtained in 1999, and the use permit in 2006. Condominium ownership has been established in the building. The premises are in good condition and maintained, appropriate to the year of construction. Parking is provided in front of the building in accordance with the mutual relations agreement. Access is regulated, via plot no. 1737/3, 1296/34 and 1296/32, all cadastral area 2392 Ajdovščina, in the Municipality of Ajdovščina. The property is currently for sale only together, as a rounded whole.
Price: EUR 382,000 excluding applicable tax (2% DPN or 22% VAT), which is paid by the buyer.
The property is owned by Slovenian Sovereign Holding and is managed by D. S. U., d. o. o.
DSU informs customers that it reserves the right to not select any bidder in the sales process, i.e. it is not obliged to conclude a sales agreement with any bidder for the subject of an agreement or enter into any other legal relationship, even if a bid is equal to the informative (selling) price or higher. For the sale of the subject of an agreement, the DSU may also announce a public or electronic auction, publish a call for the submission of binding bids or conduct additional negotiations with bidders who submit similar bids. Additional information is available at the link below:
A seller will increase its final net price, which has been set for a property taxed by a real estate transfer tax and acquired by the seller under the VAT system, by an adjustment for the deduction of the input VAT which will arise when making the sale outside the VAT system to those buyers who are not entitled to deduct the full amount of the input VAT in accordance with Article 45 of the Value Added Tax (ZDDV-1).
D.S.U., družba za svetovanje in upravljanje, d.o.o.
Attrezzature di proprietà
Primorska - nord
In the vicinity
- Lekarna Ajdovščina 1,4 km
- Lekarna Sonček 1,8 km
- Lekarna Ajdovščina, Lekarna Vipava 4,9 km